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Play Pickleball NOW at  Hitters SportsPlex

Never Heard of Pickleball?
Pickleball is a combination of ping-pong and tennis. It uses paddles and a unique plastic ball (similar to a whiffle ball) and is played on a badminton-sized court. Pickleball is an enjoyable sport that is easy for beginners to learn but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. The world's fastest growing sport provides plenty of exercise and can be played socially or competitively.  Watch a video from CBS News or this video from WISC about this fun sport! 

We are offering several options for you and your whole family to participate in Pickleball
  • Pay as You Go
  • PunchPass
Pickleball will be available at Hitters 7 days a week, both daytime and evenings.

Stop into Hitters SportsPlex today to make a reservation or sign up for a professional clinic.

If you have any questions about Pickleball, please contact Joel Tennis by email.